Photo Workshops & Events

Professional Seminars

At these events, professionals and students attend several sessions each day about a wide array of topics. Guest speakers are the best in their fields. Topics include inspiring slideshows, hands-on technical training and portfolio reviews. There are always opportunities to learn about the latest gear, find mentors and apply for internships and jobs. Each event has loyal followers based on its location, time of year, and personality of the organizers. Find a group that is a good fit for you.

Southern Short Course Regional one-day contest judging and one-day seminar for photojournalists and students. Usually in conjunction with North Carolina Press Photographers contest and annual meeting. Small, intimate event includes contest and print auction. February annually in North Carolina, South Carolina or Georgia.

South Carolina News Photographers Association One-day seminar for photojournalists in South Carolina. Includes contest and meals, free to attend. February annually in a different city in South Carolina. 

Southwestern Photojournalism Conference 3-day seminar by and for Christian photographers. Sponsored by a baptist seminary in conjunction with Christians in Photojournalism organization. Many student attendees. Takes place end of February each year in Ft. Worth, Tx. 

Northern Short Course  3 – day seminar for visual journalists, students and educators. Includes contest.  Canon and Nikon cameras serviced, with large exhibit of industry vendors. Takes place in March over UofSC’s spring break in a different city in the Northeast each year.

Atlanta PhotoJournalism Seminar  3 – day seminar for photojournalists and videojournalists. Includes contest. Canon and Nikon cameras serviced. November/December annually in Atlanta, Ga.

Training Workshops

These are hands-on events where participants work hard to improve their craft. Participants usually shoot an assignment during the day. In the evenings, faculty made up of prominent photographers or photo editors give critiques and serve as coaches. These are intense events with a lot of comradery and little sleep, but you will be a better photographer at the end.

The Image Deconstructed Seminar Workshop about improving your photography through psychological exercises and breaking your personal barriers.  Very different from other workshops, participants and faculty walk through the experience together. An outshoot of The Image, Deconstructed blog.  Annually in April in Chapel Hill, NC. 

Eddie Adams Four-day workshop For young photojournalists who must apply, and the top 100 portfolios are chosen to participate. Admission is free once you’re accepted. Very competitive, and  exclusive group of faculty. October annually in Jeffersonville, NY. Applications due each July.

Missouri Photo Workshop Intense one-week shooting bootcamp for photojournalists to jump-start their careers, mentored by prominent professionals. Sponsored by University of Missouri School of Journalism. October annually at a different small town in Missouri. 

Mountain Workshop Spend a week working on photography, picture editing, video storytelling, time-lapse or data visualization. Sponsored by Western Kentucky University School of Journalism. October annually at a different small town in Kentucky. 

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